Saturday, January 10, 2009

Integration of Sub Ledger(AP/AR/FA/PA/PO/OE) to GL

Below will import data from sub-ledger to GL_INTERFACE
Run: Create Journal Entries
Run: Transfer Payables to GL
Run: Transfer transactions to GL
PRC: Generate Asset lines for range of projects
PRC: Interface asset lines Mass additions
FA-->Create & Post Mass Additions
Run: Create Journal Entries

'Import Journal' will populate journal entries from GL_INTERFACE to GL Tables.
Reference21-30 will have respective sub-ledger data.

Posting process will post journals if they are balanced. If not balanced enter journals to reverse entries and post.

Link between OE & AR
of oe_order_headers_all <-->salels_rep_id of ra_salesreps_all
invoice_to_org_id of oe_order_header_id <--> site_use_id of ra_site_uses_all

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