Saturday, January 10, 2009


Steps to do PPR
If you want to render/hide fields programatically then
1.Create transient boolean variables at PVO
2.Attach these boolean variables to rendered property of fields using SPEL({$oa.PVO.booleanVariable})
3.set client navigation property as partialFire to base field
4.Initialize row using STATUS_INITIALIZED at PR & setProperty for fields at PFR.

If you want to render/hide fields declaratively
1.Create transient boolean variable at VO and modify rendered property.
2.Modify get method at xxVORowImpl file

If the region to implement PPR is cellFormat or rowLayout, hide/show is not supported
As a alternative, create flowLayout for cellFormat/rowLayout and apply.

If you want to apply PPR to switcher in a table, create flowLayout and attach table to flowLayout and then apply PPR.

Steps to create field with LOV using Personalization:
1.Create item of style 'Message Input LOV' with below properties
External Lov = /oracle/apps/prod/subprod/lov/webui/xxempLovRN
2.Create item of style 'LovMap' under LOV item with below properties
Criteria Item = item name of Lov
LOV Region Item = item name of LovRN
Return Item = item name of Lov

what is AM Pooling?
Whenever application wants any object, AM will not create new and destroy after its use.
It will check first in pool and if there is no available, it will create upto maximum avialable count.
Else will wait one to be released object. After maximum waiting time will give timeout error.

Error Page
You have encountered unexpected error. Please contact system administrator. Click here for details.
"Error: Cannot Display Page
You cannot complete this task because one of the following events caused a loss of page data:
Your login session has expired.
A system failure has occurred. "

This is due to customization of Root AM. Oracle does not recommend this customization.
1.Customization using Nested AMs will solve this issue.
2.Extend server commnads and helpers will solve this issue.


Madhu Mudduluru said...

HI Srini,
I have added add new row to Advanced table region. But
after clicking on that buttion getting below error. Can you please help.

Error: Cannot Display Page

You cannot complete this task because one of the following events caused a loss of page data:
•Your login session has expired.
•A system failure has occurred.

- Madhu

Madhu said...

I have added AddnewRow to Advanced table region but after clicking on that button getting the below error.
can you please help.

Error: Cannot Display Page
You cannot complete this task because one of the following events caused a loss of page data:
•Your login session has expired.
•A system failure has occurred.
- Madhu