Friday, May 30, 2014

Oracle R12 adcgnjar Utility

Oracle has introduced this new utility from R12.2 onwards.

Using this we can jar and sign custom java/xml files. This is required for OAF CO/VO/EO Extensions. This creates customall.jar file at $JAVA_TOP and signs. Configuration file ebsProductManifest.xml has entry for customall.jar

It exists at $AD_TOP/bin and while running it prompts for  apps username and password

If you modify any files in standard folders like $JAVA_TOP/oracle/apps/icx, run below commands to create and sign jar

zip -r $JAVA_TOP/oracle/apps/icx
adjava -areas $JAVA_TOP/ -outputFile $JAVA_TOP/icxall.jar -jar $CONTEXT_NAME 1 CUST

Remeber to perform 'Generate jar files' from adadmin and bounce Mid-tier.

If you modify files from $JAVA_TOP/ then need to create customall.jar
If you mofify files from $JAVA_TOP/oracle/apps/ then need to create customprod.jar

Make sure there are entries at $FND_TOP/admin/template/ebsProd<>.tmp for customall.jar and customprod.jar

For more information please refer MOS Note 1609939.1