Thursday, July 30, 2015

OAF challenges and tips

D2K <-> OAF
Call D2K form from oaf using syntax: pageContext.forwardImmediatelyToForm(String); String should be in format of form:APPLICATION_SHORT_NAME:RESPONSIBILITY_KEY:DATA_GROUP_NAME:FORM_FUNCTION_NAME

Call OAF from D2K using fnd_function.execute API

Import data from Excel to Oracle Table using OAF:
For this we need jxl.jar to download and place it in myprojects folder in local and place it in

Deployment of JAR Files
Till R12.1.
JAR file by placing in server and add below entry in orion-application.xml at $ORA_CONFIG_HOME/10.1.3/j2ee/oacore/application-deployments/oacore/ Remember to run auto-config bounce middle tier as well. This works upto R12.1, since OCJ4 understands orion-application.xml file. After R12.1 its different procedure.
From R12.2, it works like this.
 Deploy JAR file into $FND_TOP/java/jar in R12.2, WLS understands a file $FND_TOP/admin/template/ebsProductManifest_xml.tmp and run auto-config and bounce middle-tier services.
1. if you modify file in standard folder--> unjar using jar -xvf, unzip, modify, zip, jar using  jar -cvf and then execute 'regenerate product jar' from adadmin
2. if you modify file in non-oracle standard custom i,e $JAVA_TOP/oracle/apps/xxe --> create using below and then run adjava command as sample below
zip -r $JAVA_TOP/oracle/apps/xxe

adjava -areas $JAVA_TOP/ -outputFile $JAVA_TOP/customprod.jar -jar $CONTEXT_NAME 1 CUST jarsigner -storePass apps -keyPass apps

3. if you modify file in oracle standard custom i,e $JAVA_TOP/xxe/oracle/apps --> Run adcgnjar utility from $AD_TOP/bin, which will create and sign-in customall.jar

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