Steps to create and raise business events:
1.create tables you need
2.define business event in wf administrator resp
3.define subscription to above event
4.create plsql function and attach it to event via subscription
5.raise event using wf_event.raise()
The following types of customizations are NOT supported:
- Modifying a workflow object that has a protection level less than 100
- Altering a workflow object’s protection level if its original protection level is less than 100
- Changing access level to an unauthorized level of less than 100 for the purpose of modifying workflow objects that are protected at levels less than 100
To ensure that your customizations are preserved during an upgrade of Oracle Workflow:
•Check your access level before you make your modifications to the predefined workflow process.
–Oracle E-Business Suite: 100
–Standalone Oracle Workflow: 100 or higher
•Set the appropriate options in the Access property page for any object that you modify.
–Oracle E-Business Suite: Select both the Preserve Customizations and Lock at this Access Level options.
–Standalone Oracle Workflow: Select the Preserve Customizations option. Optionally select the Lock at this Access Level option.
During an Oracle Workflow seed data upgrade, the Workflow Definitions Loader is always run in Upgrade mode at an access level less than 100. As a result, the upgrade will not overwrite any object with a customization level of 100 or higher
How to send an email to Oracle EBS Users
This is 3 step process
l_adhoc_role varchar2(240) := 'XXE_APPR'||TO_CHAR(SYSTIMESTAMP,'YYYYMMDDHH24MISSFF');
l_adhoc_role_name varchar2(240) := 'XXE_APPR'||TO_CHAR(SYSTIMESTAMP,'YYYYMMDDHH24MISSFF');
1. Create Adhoc Role
This is using wf_directory.CreateAdHocRole( role_name => l_adhoc_role,
role_display_name => l_adhoc_role_name);
2. Add User(s) to Adhoc Role
This is using wf_directory.AddUsersToAdHocRole( role_name => l_adhoc_role,
role_users =>'SYSADMIN');
3. Create item attribute of 'Role' in Workflow and assign l_adhoc_role to it, which will be attached to Notification.
If you want to create custom function in workflow, create below sample PLSQL Procedure
procedure GET_APPR(
itemtype in varchar2,
itemkey in varchar2,
actid in number,
funcmode in varchar2,
resultout in out nocopy varchar2);
How to Ensure Workflow File Customizations/Changes Are Not OverWritten By Upgrades/Patches (Doc ID 1343956.1)
Thumb rule is
- For Modified objects inside workflow CAP level should be 100/100/1000
- For New objects inside workflow CAP level should be 100/100/100
CAP= Customization level
Access level
Protection level
WBP=Workflow background process
Below is recommendation from oracle.
The recommendation is to run three separate background engines at different intervals:
a. Run a background engine to handle only deferred activities every 5 to 60 minutes.
b. Run a background engine to handle only timed out activities every 1 to 24 hours as needed.
c. Run a background engine to handle only stuck processes once a week to once a month, when the load on the system is low.