Little about R12:
R12 is 50% Form based and 50% Java Based(Self service pages).
More flexibility and options given to responsibility.
User can enter/view/update transactions of multiple ous with single resp.
User need not to switch to run concurrent programs attached to different RGs.
With XMLP, user have more flexibility as well more output formats.
Org Structure:
BG-->Employee setup, payroll, timesheet and all basic major setups included.
Ledger(SOB)-->Has 4 C's-->extra c is SLA.
LE-->Company has to enter legal and tax filing information here
OU-->Company decides here to create separate OU for each branch or building, based on its business.
Inv Org-->Low level unit of Org.
GL: Sets of Book has been replaced by GL: Ledger Id
MO: Security profile.
MO: Operating Unit
MO: Default Operating Unit
Run: Security List Maintenanace program after setup of security profile/operating units.
R12 has 6 flex field qualifiers.
Balancing segment qualifier
Intercompany segment qualifier
Natural Account segment qualifier
Cost Center segment qualifier
Management segment qualifier
Security Tracking segment qualifier
Receivables-->System options-->enable Trading partner check box, so that user can use customer as supplier also.
Oracle payments is new module in R12. 11i Payments has become separate module, with more options like user can receive payments, instead of swing back to receivalbes.
EBTax is new module in R12. 11i AP Tax Codes DFF has been removed and EBTax module has evolved with lot more options
Upgrade/Reimplement of R12
Before R12 upgrade, run Health check scripts to make sure there are no db inconsistencies.
Backward compatability views RA_ADDRESSES & RA_CUSTOMERS are no longer avialable in R12 database. So you should change custom code and map these views to TCA tables.
In R12 PO_VENDORS is backward compatability view based on R12 table AP_SUPPLIERS.
Similarly GL_SETS_OF_BOOKS based on R12 table GL_LEDGERS
R12 Payables
1.Suppliers are defined as parties in TCA
2.Invoice lines are added as business entities between invoice headers and distributions.
3.Banks, bank branches, bank accounts are defined centrally at CE(cash management)
4.Document sequencing of payments is moved to CE bank setup
5.payments and fund disbursement activities are handled by new module oracle payments.
6.SLA is new moudle in R12, where centralized accounting setup will be done associated to Ledger.
7.EBTax is new module in R12, where tax setup with trading parters and tax authorities as well as transaction tax processing and reporting.
8.Repository is associated with multiple OUs using MOAC.