Friday, May 30, 2014

Oracle R12 adcgnjar Utility

Oracle has introduced this new utility from R12.2 onwards.

Using this we can jar and sign custom java/xml files. This is required for OAF CO/VO/EO Extensions. This creates customall.jar file at $JAVA_TOP and signs. Configuration file ebsProductManifest.xml has entry for customall.jar

It exists at $AD_TOP/bin and while running it prompts for  apps username and password

If you modify any files in standard folders like $JAVA_TOP/oracle/apps/icx, run below commands to create and sign jar

zip -r $JAVA_TOP/oracle/apps/icx
adjava -areas $JAVA_TOP/ -outputFile $JAVA_TOP/icxall.jar -jar $CONTEXT_NAME 1 CUST

Remeber to perform 'Generate jar files' from adadmin and bounce Mid-tier.

If you modify files from $JAVA_TOP/ then need to create customall.jar
If you mofify files from $JAVA_TOP/oracle/apps/ then need to create customprod.jar

Make sure there are entries at $FND_TOP/admin/template/ebsProd<>.tmp for customall.jar and customprod.jar

For more information please refer MOS Note 1609939.1

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

PO Requisition Account Generator Workflow POWFRQAG

By default debug is not enabled. If you want to enable it below are profile options to set and verify in Workflow Administrator web applications responsibility

Account Generator: Run in Debug Mode=> Yes
Account Generator: Purge Runtime Data=> No
PO: Set Debug Workflow On => Yes

Please refer below MOS
FAQ: Account Generator (Doc ID 216831.1)
How To Diagnose Issues In The Charge Account Generation In iProcurement (Doc ID 726378.1)
R11 What Are The Basic Steps Of The Purchasing Receipt Accrual Period-End Process? (Doc ID 467584.1)