Monday, November 14, 2011

DBA Commands

How to find file path?
find -a -name
How to find version?
strings -a | grep '$Header'

Where could be url_fw.conf?   It'd be at $INST_TOP/ora/10.1.3/Apache/Apache/conf

Where could be orion-web.xml?  $ORACLE_HOME\j2ee\\application-deployments\\

How to search for word in all files of all directories in unix

grep -r 'word-to-search' *

Thursday, November 10, 2011

AR Integration with Oracle Payments

When you create Remittance batch, Receivables creates funds capture process request and sends it to Payments, which completes the Authorization and Settlement steps
Payments communicates directly with 3rd party payment networks to authorize and reserve funds

High level steps to complete to process credit card payments in AR
  1. Assign credit card receipt method and credit card instrument to the transactions that you want to pay by credit card
  2. Run Automatic Receipts prog, which will create batch of receipts for selected transactions
  3. Approve the batch of receipts and close the transaction

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

OM Integrate with Oracle Payments

  1. OM does not store credit card Security Code anywhere in DB and also encrypt the card details and bank details at Payments
  2.  Only prepayment uses in OM Header level
  3. Multiple payments can be done for single order (System Parameter)
  4. OM Payment type and Payment's payment method will be mapped 
  5. Credit card information is not org-specific
  6. OM does not perform credit card authorization on prepayments. AR will do authorization and capture it during receipt creation.
  7. Over prepayment is intended functionality in OM and this can be resolved manually