We can not install OBIA Directly in Linux server. Due to this we need to install OBIA first in Windows.
We need to install OBIEE 11g first before install OBIA
Before OBIA, we need to install 11g DB and RCU (Repository creation utility)
So below is the sequence of installation products in windows
- 11g DB
- OBIEE 11g
- OBIA (
- Informatica Version 9
- DAC(D/w Admin Console) 11g
Similarly we need to install same in Linux
Informatica is ETL tool used to design jobs with mapping between source tables and target tables
Once jobs are created in ETL, we need to schedule these as Tasks in DAC. DAC is implemental aware and incremental aware intelligent tool
OLTP (Source DB --> Oracle ERP or Peoplesoft or JDEdwards or SAP or any other DB)
OLAP (D/W DB, which is used for Analytics)
Tables in this D/W DB are suffixed with _F, _FS, _D and _DS (Fact, FactStage, Dimension and DimensionStage)
SDE_Extractor --> Source Dependent Extractor
Tip: What If I want to rerun full load of few table or entire database?
Ans: If you want to rerun full load for single table --> Find out the task in execution plan and reset the execution date as Null and run it again
If you want to rerun full load for full database --> Reset the dataset and rerun the execution plan
You can find out the table/column mapping using Data Leanage document from metalink
Subject Area is nothing but collection of tasks
Execution Plan is collection of SAs
Customization Process (How to add extra dimension)
1. Create custom folders for SDE/SILO/PLP (source dependent extract) (source independent load) (post load process)
copy all the folders to above custom folders
2. Add column to fact table with the help of data leanage file
3. Customize SDE Mapping
4. Customize SILO Mappling
5. Run the execution plan or task